Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Railway outing

We went on the Swanage Railway family fun day. There was balloon modelling - Charlotte had a giraffe and Thomas chose a train.
Charlotte had a unicorn painted on her arm.

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More fun on holiday

The holiday park had a full size snooker table so Caz challenged Rand to a game. It was a tight game with Rand only 6 points ahead when we were down to the black. An error of judgement by Rand gave the game to Caz as he potted the white with only the black left on the table. Bad luck Rand! Charlotte and Thomas then had a turn on the table themselves.

Charlotte and Thomas enjoyed playing at the outdoor park.
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Soft play at the holiday park

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Weekend away

We enjoyed a weekend away in Dorset and Nanny Pam also came with us. We played crazy golf - an excellent round from Caroline means she would have won if we had scored but Rand went in the water four times on the second hole and gave up with the scoring from that point onwards - I wonder why???

We hired a four person go-kart type thing. "Faster daddy, faster" was all Rand could hear!

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Naughty mummy!

Managed to get a cute photo of Thomas

I had to take a photo of this! Charlotte was trying to rearrange the furniture in the dining room and I told her she was not allowed to move the pink sofa so she went upstairs in a huff. When I went upstairs later in the day I found this note that she had written. Translation for those of you who can't read it: "Mummy is being naughty because she didn't let me move the pink sofa".
Charlotte in a huff!
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Charlotte and Thomas made some great playdough cakes - I think Thomas' was strawberry cake and Charlotte's was carrot cake - yum!

We also had fun playing with the animals - I thought it was a little cruel to have them packed together like this but it didn't seem to bother Charlotte's conscience.
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Burt Hair Salon

Nana and Grandad Philip stopped by for a cup of tea and found themselves being models as Charlotte and Thomas wanted to practise their hair styling skills. I think Thomas did quite well given that he didn't have much to work with!

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"Ruth & Nir" tree

Ruth and Nir kindly consented to allow Charlotte and Thomas to decorate them over the Christmas period - fab hey!

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Muddy trip to the park

Aunty Emma and Uncle Paul reluctantly agreed to come on a outing to the muddy park with us.

Once we were there, we even managed to persuade Paul to have a go on the rope swing over the stream!
Charlotte and Thomas tried to push Emma into the stream! (just may have been Rand's suggestion...)
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