Sunday, October 29, 2006


Rand's finished pumpkin!

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Rand and Charlotte sat down this afternoon to create their pumpkin masterpieces! Charlotte's little pumpkin was home grown and she set about with the felt tip pens to draw her pumpkin face (don't think she's ready to be let loose with a knife yet!). Her pumpkin was a girl (as she had long hair) and was called "Witch". She had a complete face with ears, hair and everything!

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Thursday, October 26, 2006

Walk in Lyminge Forest

We (Caz, Charlotte & Thomas - Rand was on-call) enjoyed a walk through Lyminge Forest with Lisa, Heather, Poppy, Ruth and Nir. It was a good thing we had the extra adults as all the children were being carried by the end!

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Day out with Lisa, Heather & Poppy

Caz, Charlotte, Thomas, Lisa, Heather and Poppy had a day out at Howletts Wild Animal Park. Fornunately, the weather was kind to us and the only rain was in the car on the way there and the way back! Charlotte has discovered Caz's lipsalve and must have stopped to re-apply it at least every hour! Thomas and Heather had fun at the park together.
Poppy was an angel all day and gave us lots of lovely smiles!
A lot of the animals were hiding in their houses as the weather was quite cold but we had a good view of the elephants (not that this photo particularly shows that!)
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Sunday, October 15, 2006

Early training in housework!

Charlotte and Thomas love washing up! Uncle Paul also needs some practise so Thomas shows him how to do it!
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Thursday, October 12, 2006

Planting bulbs

Nanny Pam came for a brief visit and brought some snowdrop and crocus bulbs for us to plant. Hopefully we will get some colourful flowers early next year!
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Monday, October 09, 2006

more Center Parcs

Charlotte loved singing nursery rhymes to Poppy. Charlotte takes her "eldest cousin" responsibilities seriously!
Thomas is already a master on the adventure golf course! I think his best hole was 22 strokes!
Picnic for the kids while the adults played table tennis.
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Weekend at Center Parcs

We had a ""get together" weekend with all Caz's sisters and their families and the AJ's at Elveden Forest. This was the first time we had met Poppy and she is a gorgeous, smiley baby!

Thomas loved the train at the adventure park... did Heather and Charlotte!
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